Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bullying Prevention Month Recap: Workshopping and Peacemaking

I will get to the recap in a second. First, another thing.

I did it!

I implemented a new program!

Okay, almost.

I have taken a bunch of free content from various sources and created my own version of Peacemakers, a peer mediation program for my 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Over the course of four days, I trained six students (two from each grade) in mediation techniques that include a peace path (which guides students in each step of the process of talking through a conflict), using "I" statements and promising to do better in the future. These students will mediate arguments on the playground between students in their grade, and hopefully build a little more self-sufficiency among the kids in solving their own issues.  I have almost finished, but I need to paint the peace path on the playground, and it keeps raining. I will update this blog with more information as it evolves.

Additionally, I did a bunch of anti-bullying with the information from the PACER Institute, and it was quite successful on the whole. Some of the activities (Above the Line/Below the Line and the Orange Unity chain) were big hits. The videos, to be honest, were less thrilling, but did a good job of introducing certain ideas about what bullying is and how students can help stop it. This is the only start of a larger conversation we need to have here at Giles. I intend to make regular mention of the subject and to be as present in the classroom as I can be in order to make sure it keeps happening.

For now, signing off.
-Ms. OJ

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